How to Get More People to Subscribe to Your RSS Feed
It doesn’t take a whole lot to launch a blog, thanks to the sorts of free options that are available today. You can sign up with a blogging platform like and get started right away. But how do you grow your readership? What things should you be doing to help make sure that you are getting a lot more readers for your blog? While there is so much that you can do to get more visitors, it is really important to focus on getting as much repeat traffic as you can. You won’t be able to do this if you don’t make as much as possible from your RSS. This article is going to explain some of the simple things that you can do to increase your number of blog subscribers.
Keeping your blog as focused as you can will really help you attract more subscribers. If you spread your topics too thin you won’t get any sort of good result and that is the truth. People who subscribe to your RSS feed want to get updates on topics that they are actually interested in. If you’ve got people subscribed to a feed based on technology, is it really a good idea to start talking about dog training? So stick to the primary topic of your blog. Your readers want information that is both relevant and easy to use. Make them feel like they’re a part of your blog by giving away really targeted information that appeals to them.
Commenting on other blogs is a great way to get to know other bloggers, and most of the bloggers comment on relevant blogs for various reasons. Some may comment to get traffic which is fine and good, plus as you know this is part of the backlink strategy for others. Your approach here will not be the same as everybody else’s because you want to do this to promote subscriptions to your RSS. Place your blogs’ RSS feed URL in the area where your site URL would go. Feedburner is a site that has been used by millions of people, and one reason is the nice URL you can get for your RSS feed.
One of your goals with your blog is developing a sticky blog in which people are interested and read for a while. By focusing your efforts on RSS, you will be able to get more loyal readers to your blog. Learn to take every resource you have at your disposal and leverage it for all its worth. Not only will your repeat traffic numbers increase, but you will be building a stronger bond with them. Once you have really nailed all the positive benefits of RSS, then you can safely promote it all over your site.
Every blogger wants to have a loyal readership. When you don’t make it super easy for your readers to stay up to date on your blog, you’ll have a harder time both finding them as well as keeping them. Using RSS properly helps you grow your readership which, in turn, helps you make sure that you are truly getting the most from your blog. It may take a little while before you actually see your subscriber numbers go through the roof. If you are inching toward your goal every day, though, you will find out pretty quickly that you have a huge number of RSS subscribers on your blog. Just focus your attention and effort on bringing in as much targeted exposure as possible.