What is CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA Charge?
We often notice charges on the credit card that we don’t recognize. This can give you a mini panic attack, especially if the charge is too much. We understand the problem, and today, we will talk about CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA. If you notice this charge on your card and are trying to find out more, you are on the right page. Go ahead and check out more information below.
What is CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA Charge?
If you take any services from Care.com, you may notice this charge. Charges on CCI Care, then you must not worry. It is a legit charge, and it is a membership-based website. This website is available in 17 countries and has been actively helping people find caretakers for their homes. Care.com is based in Austin, Texas, and has offices in Berlin, Germany. CCI Care provides services related to Pet Care, Daycare, Tutoring, Senior Care, Child Care, and Housekeeping.
This should appear if you have taken any basic premium service from Care.com. The charge appears every billing term, and you will usually see the charge quarterly or annually. The package gets auto-renewed at the end of the subscription period. So, if you have made a purchase on CCI Care, then you must not worry about the charge.
What If I Have Not Taken CCI Care Subscription?
If you have not taken any subscription, then this is certainly an illegitimate charge, and you would need to raise a fraud. The majority of our users reported this as a legitimate charge. If you still think it is a fraudulent transaction, then you must contact your credit card issuer and get the card canceled. In addition, you must also reach out to CCI and request them to investigate the charge. Their contact numbers and helpline support are available through the website https://help.care.com/families/s/?language=en_US. CCI Care will take some details from you, and they will help you identify the charge. If not legitimate, CCI will also initiate a refund on your card after the investigation is complete.
It may also appear as one of the below transaction in Your Statement
1 | CHKCARDCCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
2 | CHECKCARD CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
12 | CHKCARD CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
11 | Misc. Debit CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
9 | PENDING CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
3 | POS Debit CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
4 | POS PUR CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
5 | POS PURCH CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
6 | POS PURCHASE CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
7 | POS REFUND CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
8 | PRE-AUTH CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA |
10 | Visa Check Card CCI CARE.COM 877-227-3115 MA MC |