In our country, there are hundreds of different operators for Vending Machines. They all use different payment partners; hence, whenever you use a vending machine, the description changes depending on who manages the vending machine. Read More
We have noticed that the description of charges on the credit card statement varies a lot from the name of the store where you made this transaction. One similar charge that was reported to us Read More
Sometimes, the merchants have many words joined together in the credit card charge description, making them difficult to understand. Bill4tn0080050500292 Internet ML MLT Credit Card Charge is one such example. Our community members reported Read More
Often, the departments or the businesses change their name, but the transaction description on the credit card or the bank statement remains the same. This is also the case with 200 RMS Internet IVR Surry Hills Read More
There are charges that you may see on credit cards that are unrecognizable. One such charge that we came across had a description of Libergos Nicosia. Like other community members, we were confused about these Read More
Many public transport system allows you to undertake a journey by directly paying with a card. Some transportation system requires you to purchase a travel token or a travel pass which you can buy from Read More
Some scammers will try to charge your card for a small transaction. If the transaction goes through, they will try to scam you by making big or multiple small transactions. If you see MGP Vinted 29060371895 Read More
Many companies use a payment system from a vendor to process the payment. In addition, you will also see travel companies that can help you plan & book your travel. Charge is a Read More
Sometimes, the charge appears on your card even when you are not using the card. Such transactions are usually a result of fraud or an auto-payment that you would have enabled. Today, we are going Read More
Are you tired of relying on others to manage your retirement funds? Do you want the freedom to invest in a wider range of assets and take control of your financial future? Look no further Read More