What is 402-935-7733 PayPal Charge ?
At some point, we all have been potential victims of fraud. This is more commonly seen with credit card users. If your card information has been leaked as a part of any data breach, you are more likely to be a victim of credit card fraud. This is why everyone should review the transactions on their card regularly. This can save you from potential fraud and help you recover the lost money. If you notice any unknown charge, you should immediately raise it with the vendor and the bank. One such charge that we are going to talk about today appears with the description 402-935-7733 or 402-935-7733 PayPal. Let us find out more about the charge in this section.
What is the 402-935-7733 PayPal Charge?
If you are seeing a 402-935-7733 charge on your credit card, then it is highly likely that you have been a victim of online fraud. The majority of the users reported this charge to be a result of a fraudulent transaction. 402-935-7733 is a number; if you try calling this number, it will route you to PayPal customer care. By matching the amount, you can try and recall if you have made a similar transaction through your credit card. If you haven’t, then you need to start the process to claim the money back and get the block on your credit card.
What Next?
The first step of the process is to call 402-935-7733 and talk to the PayPal agent. They will be able to give you some basic details about the transaction, and they will also start the chargeback on your credit card so that you can get the money back. However, you should not stop here. The charge on your credit card itself means that your credit card details have been leaked. So, you should call the bank and get the card blocked as well. This will help you ensure that you are not a victim of fraud in the near future. The bank will most likely issue you a new credit free of charge.
It may also appear as one of the below transaction in Your Statement
1 | CHKCARDPAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
2 | CHECKCARD PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
3 | CHKCARD PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
4 | Misc. Debit PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
5 | PENDING PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
6 | POS Debit PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
7 | POS PUR PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
8 | POS PURCH PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
9 | POS PURCHASE PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
10 | POS REFUND PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
11 | PRE-AUTH PAYPAL 4029357733, CA |
12 | Visa Check Card PAYPAL 4029357733, CA MC |